Thursday 23 June 2011


Been stuck on Twitter, my new found efriend. Altho, most of the time I have no clue what I'm doing and tend to get ignored. Whoops: " ...fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — You can't get fooled again."

Well, life is back to normal and the heaveho of the last few weeks has gone. To be replaced by a stalemate on a "thing" that would be great to finally get sorted out. "Things" are never simple eh and sent to drive us nutsio.

So I've been able to concentrate on the writing for the past two weeks - not done a great deal. Of course, I'd like to think it's quality rather than quantity, some quantity would be nice too though. Will see if it's worth sending off... or not.

With the mention of fuzzy - the furry one is THREE years old tomorrow! In human years he's in his twenties, but still acts like he's in his terrible twos. Kitty prerogative I hear. Prerogative goes meow - a lot.

Happy Birthday to Alfie Pickle, Esq. :D

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